Monday, December 26, 2011

A brief intermission

Oh dear. I have totally flaked on this poor little blog. And that whole "I'm not going to buy any more books until I read all those that sit on my shelf?"

Yeah.....about that...

But I ask you--can a girl ever have too many books? The answer is no. Cats? Yes. Books? No.

And speaking of that, a friend posted a link to this piece she found somewhere on the great wide Internet and it is ever so charming.  And true!

Anyways, It's been a great year. I have read about 50 books (not too shabby), acquired some great new finds, and parted with some novels that I wasn't really feeling, but hoped that someone else would love. Here's to 2012 and trying to figure out what books I'm looking forward to most for 2012. 

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